Saturday, December 5, 2009

Caturday Photos

As if eating the cornucopia at Thanksgiving wasn't enough, somebody has to begin the Christmas havoc as well!

Alls fair in love and cats, so we got him this lovely hat to wear. Doesn't he look happy?

His sister got a collar, and was not quite as patient for a picture. The kids call it the "Ruff of Shame." (A reference to the movie "UP")

Jump in if you want to post pictures of your kitties. You can also still post on yesterday's Finished for Friday. I love to come visit.

5 people stopped folding laundry to write:

Branlaadee said...

LOL I say everytime he visits the Christmas village, he gets to wear the hat.

Laura said...

I can't believe you got him to sit still for that picture. Priceless!!!

Lisa said...

LOL! I love that hat!!! That's a disgusted kitty! Too funny.

I linked up to you, but I am not sure if I did it right. I think I need to put my name in the link but it still sends folks my way the way it is. Cute idea!

Quilts and Cats said...

Great pics! My cats also reek havoc at Christmas, but I guess this should be expected!

Susan said...

It's the Cat That Ate Kalamazoo! He reminds me of Godzilla. Well, except for the hat. lol

I'm having to get rid of my village, with these 4 monsters of mine, it just wouldn't be safe to display it. My OLD cat never bothered it, but these ones.... I'm not willing to risk it.

Great shots of the cats,they look very festive, if not all that happy! :)

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