Sunday, January 17, 2010

Makes My Monday: Clean and Organized

Do you hear that sound? It's angels singing. My daughters have cleaned their room. Not only have they cleaned it, they moved all the furniture around and completely changed it from a little girl room to a teen room.

Organized? Just look at the books color-coordinated with the Furbies:

And the trolls neatly lined up by color on the windowsill. I had no idea they had that many trolls.

The room is practically wallpapered now in beauty tips pulled from magazines. I would have loved to have this room as a teenager. I asked them how they picked the pages They said they liked the models with clean skin and pretty hair.

They have a reading nook, a study area, clean organized closets and orderly drawers. I couldn't be happier. Remains to be seen how long they can maintain it.

I'm so proud of their big clean up. Their good job makes my Monday. Visit Cheryl at Twinfatuation for more Monday makers.

10 people stopped folding laundry to write:

Coloradolady said...

Oh, your blog looks fantastic....I love it!!

So great that the cleaning went on without you having to actually do it! Way to go to your girls.

Merri Ann said...

I don't think I can tell you enough how much I like coming to your blog ... you give me a glimpse of what my life may be like 10 years from now :) ...

Great job girls ... that looks like a room I would have loved at their age ... only the trolls would have been animals ... probably horses.

My girls decided this weekend to bunk together in one room ... so we moved all their stuff yesterday ... then my son felt left out, so we moved his bed in there as well ... it's a little crowded ... but very cozy.

Love your new blog decorations ...

Unknown said...

You mentioned on my blog that you are reading Mists of Avalon. I love that book! It's one of the few I've re-read several times. I am able to read alot because I don't work and I don't have a family bothering me! LOL When I visit some of the book blogs out there I am amazed at what they read. 5 or 6 books a week, some of these folks!

Bea said...

Great job, ladies. Funny how they still have those childhood things mixed in with the teen things. There are things we just never let go.

monica said...

Very cool that they did the room makeover with out you! It seems like they did a great job! Love the magazine beauty tips as a wallpaper!

Lisa said...

Woohoo! I need to have my girl read about this for inspiration. Good job, girls! This would so make my Monday, too. (Nice visiting with you from Cheryle's this morning!)

debi9kids said...

Oh wow! That would totally make my monday too!
My teenage daughters both have tons of magazine articles like that around their rooms too :)

Cheryl Lage said...

WOW! I am AWED by their gorgeous clean-up and organization! (Seems to me I remember a mama of two girls who arranged her books beautifully in spectrum order.... ;) )

Love those plush feet on the top shelf, too!

Empathizing with your justified pride Makes My Monday! Thank you so much for playing along, ThreeUnder!


The girls did a great job!!! I especially love the color coordinating on the bookshelf!

The Mother said...

If your girls need a little extra dough...

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