Saturday, June 25, 2011

Out of Town

The big day has arrived.  Jungle Boy is heading off to spend a month studying at American Ballet Theatre's summer intensive program.

I'm flying out with him, to make sure he makes his connecting flights.  I offered to pack some of his things in my luggage, but he fit it all into this relatively small bag.

And by all I mean
  • quilt
  • sheets
  • pillow
  • set of towels
  • 5 pairs of ballet shoes, and a pair of jazz shoes
  • 6 sets of ballet class gear
along with all of his regular clothes, flip-flops, mp3 speakers, Kindle, toiletries, jacket etc.  If I hadn't supervised the packing myself, I never would have believed it would all fit in there.  When he gets to the dorm, I'm going to head out and buy him some laundry detergent and other sundries. 

And cookies.  Because I can't believe he'll be gone for a whole month.  I'll have to get some last-minute mothering in.

4 people stopped folding laundry to write:

Coloradolady said...

have a safe trip!! I know he will enjoy his time there again....maybe we will get to watch again this year via video!!!

Branlaadee said...

Safe trip to you both and best of luck for Jungle Boy. I hope he has a great time!

And he really got all that in that little bag??

Lynn E. said...

Say it with love, say it with cookies.

Jodi Pharo said...

But what a wonderful month! I hope so -- for both of you.

I haven't met a moment cookies couldn't fix. (OK maybe I have, but it's a nice idea)

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