Friday, November 4, 2011

Finished for Friday: Elizabeth Street

Elizabeth Street by Laurie Fabiano is a beautiful book that I found hard to put down.  It's an amazing, almost unbelievable story that is full of rich historical detail.  While it reads like a novel, it's even more fascinating to me because it is the true story of the author's family.

It begins with a love story in Italy and follows the young midwife Giovanna who comes to America after her husband is killed in a tragic construction accident.  The immigrant experience in New York is seen through her eyes.  She is a very smart woman and the reader can't help but cheer for her on every page.  Her new family life in America is first troubled, and then faces a terrifying crisis from the bullying they face from members of "The Black Hand," the precursor to the Mafia.

Although the author reveals the outcome surprisingly early in the book, I wont spoil it here.  It's a fascinating, well-researched book.  Highly recommended.

What have you been up to this week?  Link up and let me come visit.  Please take some time to visit the other posters too.  Thank you and have a great weekend!

3 people stopped folding laundry to write:

Melissa said...

Sounds like a fascinating book!!

Alisa said...

Sounds like a wonderful book! I will have to pick that one up for sure.

Roslyn said...

I always mean to do a review on some of the good books I read but somehow it never happens! have you ever read Miri's reviews on "Tuesday's Tomes?
She is also a quilter,lives in Israel,check out her blog.

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