Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Where Are We Now? Part 4

Jungle Boy has never been afraid to leap into things. Like Drama Girl, when it was time for college he selected a small school across the country that had a good program in the field he was interested in.

He marveled at the age of buildings there - California is so young by comparison. He joined the crew team, took an intense class in wine tasting offered by the local culinary school, and met up with Drama Girl in New York city on occasion.

But California and a change of plans called him back. He decided to change schools when he switched his major to electrical engineering and decided to spend some time catching up on all the prerequisites he needs at a community college first.

A month ago he entered a big hackathon in L.A. with some friends from school. 1600 young people from all over the world competed to design, create, and program innovative products. There were prizes from major Silicon Valley companies and even a big grand prize from Nintendo.

Jungle Boy and his team won the grand prize, and each received a Nintendo Switch gaming system.

He's president of the engineering club at his school now, and taking a lot of science and math classes. For fun he throws his surfboard into his little convertible and heads to the beach.

I am, as always, ridiculously proud.

1 people stopped folding laundry to write:

Loralynn said...

It sounds like our boys are on the same wavelength. My number two son, Runner, took some time off from school, but is now back at it and will graduate in the fall with a marketing degree. Switching gears is not necessarily a bad thing! There's never just one path to the beach...

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