I haven't had much patience lately. Every day, first thing in the morning, I am reminded that 1) I am in pain and 2) I still can't walk. Hobbling around with a cane, feeling like I have broken glass inside my hip joint, is wearing away at me.
The doctor says I'll be better in about six months after my surgery. Until then, it's endless days of physical therapy and exercises at home every day. To drive myself even crazier, while I do my exercises, I listen to a mix of Disneyland music on my ipod. I wish I were actually at Disneyland, walking around with my kids and my friends, but it will just have to wait.
So I do what I can. I got some dishes done yesterday and had to lie down for an hour afterwards. My husband has been such a saint about doing all these things. I'm grateful, but I really wish I could do them myself.
The twins are overdue for a birthday party. To make matters worse, the kids didn't get a fun vacation for either ski week or Spring vacation. "Everyone went to Tahoe mom!" I wish we could have gone too. I think it isn't fair that the kids don't get a break just because their mom can't walk. But my poor husband took a lot of days off from work to take care of me and he can't afford any more.
Lent is almost over, and Sunday will be Orthodox Easter. I can't sit in the pew or stand, so I'll be celebrating the midnight liturgy here at home while my kids and husband sing and light candles at church. It's the most beautiful service of the year. Next year. I'll be there again next year.
Today I opened my blog reader and was reminded just how small my problems are. I'm learning a lot about patience from NieNie. If you need a little patience and inspiration from a remarkable woman, read what she's written today here.
I guess I can be a little more patient after all.
The Maker and The Needle Progress
1 day ago
5 people stopped folding laundry to write:
Hugs hun at least you know the surgery is just a matter of time and that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. When I was temporarily paralysed I turned to cross stitch and things I could do sitting. Yes you do feel bad at not being able to do everything that you used to be able to do, but turn it around. You would do these things willingly for your husband if the family needed them doing. Deligating a task to be a child's specific responsibility like vacuuming a room is a way of lightening the load. When you are dealing with pain pick your household battles carefully. Do what you know will cause you least pain first, so at the end of the day you have a sense of achievement. I hope some of my rattling on helps.
I am a Nienie reader too.
Patience is an overrated virtue.
The people who make a difference in the world are the go-getters. I don't think many of them are good at patience. Perseverance, yes; patience, no.
Time heals all wounds. I'm not good at patience either. Especially when there are so many things I want/need to do. And when you are in pain time goes so slowly. Hang in there.
I'm singin' the G&R power ballad of the same title in your honor. After all,when I imagine pinnacles of exemplary patience, certainly Axl Rose is a role model...
Hang in there, Sister---
Oh you sweet dear. I read that first paragraph and gave serious thought to copy and paste it to my own blog, word for word it's me at this time in my life. My Dh also has been an absolute marvel throughout this time. Although my children are grown and flown from our nest they have been so helpful and uplifting. It is so terribly hard to not be depressed and miserable -- until I read a blog and find a friend in an as bad or worse situation than mine. Would that I could stand up long enough to do an entire sink full of dishes. I have not been out of our house in over three years (except exercising in my own driveway) unless there was a doctor involved.
I am with you. I understand. I send you huge hugs and prayers for a swift successful surgery including complete recovery. Stitching has been a lifesaver for me and at this point even that is begining to wear. I agree with The Mother, patience is overrated but we shall perservere!! This too will pass. Another big hug for you.
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