Friday, July 11, 2008

Googly Eyes

I've discovered a whole new form of entertainment in perusing the search terms that bring readers to me. You're a fun bunch, apparently quite addicted to Chex Mix although prone to obsessing about future Disney movies and ready to believe in alien abductions. Let's take a look at how you found me:

  • "Undertwo." Bless you. Why did someone search on the word 'undertwo' anyway? If you do, you'll find The Undertwo kids Recommended Reading List at the very top of the results page. I feel weirdly special about that.
  • "new born country music fan gifts." You found me on page two on Google, and you had to pass by a listing for 'Garth"o"holic webpage.' Sorry to disappoint you with my little newborn who keeps me awake post. Hope you laughed. Then I hope you went back and checked out that Garth"o"holic page, because that sounds kind of fun.
  • "American Girl Dolls." Poor thing, you're as easily distracted as that person searching for girl desk. Note to bloggers; write a post and call it 'photographic evidence of alien abduction' and lots of people will click on it. I can't even find this on the American Girl Dolls Google page so who knows how far you looked before you stumbled on my link.
  • And now for all you ten billion "Cars 2" fans who have landed on Hobnobbing with celebrities: You are cracking me up. There seem to be a lot of you hanging on my every word. And telling your friends.
  • "4x tennis outfit" found my Haiku Wednesday IV page. I'm number 2 on that particular search. If you're 4x and you're playing tennis, you get a big high-five from me. You go girl!
  • The biggest page hits are coming in for "How to Make Chex Mix." These people must hate me because this is probably the least helpful how-to on the planet. But thanks to somebody kind who stumbled it, it's about halfway down the first page of a Google search.
  • And a round of applause for all the other silly searches, including "When I said I do, I didn't mean laundry," "Lessons on Walter the Farting Dog," "floor music gymnast sweeny todd," "cute haiku blog" and "pregnant woman abducted by aliens."
There's one search term that's not so amusing to me. Several people found my blog by Googling "Mistake Quilt." I could cry.

9 people stopped folding laundry to write:

Cheryl Lage said...

Thankfully, I have no idea how to find out what venue it is through which people access my blog. My fear is the words twins, booty and poop contribute greatly. Bet plenty of landers upon my page are grossly disappointed!

Not that anyone would use the search term "one of Cheryl's favorite bloggers" but I think that should lead to you, too!

Anonymous said...

Mistake quilt...oh I'm sorry becuase I think it's beautiful.

Nancy said...

That's funny :) I always laugh at some of the search words people use to "find" me as well...I'm SURE there have been many disappointed readers once they click ;)

...still can't find the mistake in your quilt looks just wonderful to me!

Anonymous said...

That is too funny! 4X and playing tennis? Wow.

Carissa(GoodnCrazy) said...

That last one says it all.

I'm off to see how my searches hold out. Most are for avacado.

Elizabeth said...

I have not yet explored far enough to learn to use that search thingie...perhaps I should not.
I am loving blog land, but I am so low-tech, I can't even figure out how to get my line spacing the way want it. UGH.

Patty said...

Now check to see how many people are Googling while at work! For my old blog, a popular search term was 'Hillary Clinton in a bathing suit.' I could have made a ton of money if I had a picture of that.

Jocasta said...

I just had a look at mine and they are all so boring!

Laura said...

This is very funny. I like seeing what people have googled to reach my blog too.
Believe it or not...many people are interested in The Categorical Imperative...(I posted that title one time)

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